All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Yoga Practice

At Dharma Coach, we have two proven ways to build your yoga practice:

  • Online with our highly effective Daily Practice program
  • In person with Kat for hour-long classes and bi-annual intensive retreats.

Alignment-based and heart-centered, Kat's classes will help you develop a safe, fun, effective practice.

What is safe practice? Simply put, a yoga practice that follows the very first rule or yama of yoga: non-harming.Ā  Yoga plays the long game. There is no need to strive, push or strain. Kat teaches consistent, safe practice with attention to healthful and helpful alignment so you can arrive at that "big pose" or your gentle daily practice in one piece, without injury.

Yoga shouldn't be a chore. No faux yoga voice, no pretense, no sacrosanctĀ  superiority that says "the teacher knows all but you don't." Kat's classes are fun, inclusive, full of gentle humor and high energy.Ā  You will feel that "yes-you-can" vibe from the very first posture.

What is an effective practice? Yoga is a tool. Building physical mobility, strength and flexibility and supporting a flexible, open heart mind, your yoga practice should bring you to yourself.Ā  If you find yourself practicing for years but not feeling better/lighter/clearer, you do not have an effective practice. Kat's classes encourage your growth in all aspects using effective and efficient teaching methods.

Discover Daily Practice
Kat's Teaching Schedule